How to get Straight As on Your Dental Exam Report Card

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drobholz @ 8:24 pm
Kids with good oral health playing and smiling

Books, backpacks, lunches, phone calls, PTA meetings, sleeping—the back-to-school season can be rough, especially on routines. Amid the hustle and bustle of school-related activities and commitments, it’s easy to let your dental care slip down the priority list.

However, maintaining a consistent oral health routine is critical for academic success and overall well-being. Continue reading to find four helpful tips that can seamlessly integrate good dental habits into your child’s back-to-school routine.

1. Pack Sugar Free Gum

The simplest way to introduce the spark of routine into your child’s daily life is to provide them with an easy-to-use tool.

Sugar-free gum has been shown to stimulate saliva production. Saliva contains chemicals that neutralize the acidity in plaque and can aid in the removal of food debris.

The act of chewing also stimulates the jaw muscles and underlying bones, promoting a stronger foundation for their teeth. Not only will your child’s mouth be healthier as they chew gum, but they’ll think they’re getting away with something. It’s a win-win.

2. Establish “Teeth Time”

In order to turn something into a routine, it must be practiced. Establishing a specific time during the morning and evening to brush, floss, and rinse teeth can go a long way to form those healthy habits.

Not only will your child be practicing responsibility by sticking to the plan, but they’ll have some bonding time with you as you brush your teeth together. “Two Minutes in Tooth Town” might just become your child’s favorite time of the day.

3. Discuss Nutrition

You may not always have time to pack an all-inclusive lunch for your child, and you certainly can’t be there every day to make sure they’re eating for their oral health. This is why it’s important to discuss the topic of nutrition as early as possible.

Sure, they won’t always listen, and for young people—that’s perfectly okay. The occasional delve into cafeteria pizza and candy won’t affect them in the long run. It’s the care and attention to the bigger conversations that will truly stick with them.

Explain that their bodies need certain nutrients and that their teeth play an important role in their lives. Too much candy, soda, and potato chips can lead to cavities, gum disease, and even lost teeth!  And no, the tooth fairy won’t accept rotten teeth.

4. Reward Persistence

Once the routine has been established, rewards are in order. Positive reinforcement has been shown to be the most effective way to encourage wanted behaviors. Even a simple enthusiastic “good job” after performing a task is oftentimes enough to get them to continue to do it again.

Talk with your child about some things that make them excited—toys, activities, foods, or something else. Whenever your child completes a week of the routine, give them something from the list!

Creating routines is difficult but with knowledge, persistence, and love, your child will be well on their way to creating their own routines and sticking with them for their whole lives.

About the Practice

Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of Washington offers top-quality dental care with a focus on aesthetics and family needs. Their dedicated team of professional dentists provides personalized and comprehensive dental services, addressing a wide range of oral health issues. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and a patient-centered approach, our goal is to ensure a comfortable and satisfying dental experience for every patient. To schedule an appointment, call (202) 364-8989 or visit the website to learn more.

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