What All Does Root Canal Therapy in Washington D.C. Involve?

November 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drobholz @ 10:30 pm

woman holding her haw in painThe holiday season is upon us once again, but you can’t get into the spirit because you have pain radiating throughout your tooth and jaw. It appears you have a toothache, and you have only one concern: “How do I get some relief?” One of the common methods used to restore a badly decayed tooth is root canal therapy in Washington, D.C. Find out what all is involved with it!

What Causes Tooth Pain?

To get an understanding of tooth pain, we must first take a look at your oral anatomy. The tooth’s outer layer consists of a hard material called enamel that acts as a protector of the more sensitive areas of the digit. Since it doesn’t contain any nerves, you won’t feel any pain in that area.

Over time, bacteria accumulation on your teeth can lead to cavities, though, which are tiny holes that develop along the surface. If untreated, the bacteria can penetrate the inner areas of the tooth, first bypassing the dentin (the first layer where nerves are found) and then moving into the center of the digit where the pulp, canals and most of the nerves are housed. Thus, you can experience severe pain.

How Root Canal Therapy Remedies the Problem

To restore the tooth, your dentist may perform a root canal, which consists of the following steps:

  • X-Rays – The first step your dentist will take is to capture X-Ray images to determine where the decay is located.
  • Anesthesia – Next, local anesthesia will be applied to numb the area where the work will be done.
  • Pulpectomy – Then the specialist will make an incision into the tooth to remove the decayed tissue. He or she will then clean the area thoroughly.
  • Filling – Finally, the space is filled with a special compound called gutta percha. The tooth is then sealed with dental cement.

There may be slight bleeding for the next 48 hours after the procedure is done, along with minor pain, but that can usually be addressed with an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen.

A Time-Sensitive Matter

If you suspect you need a root canal, it’s important to seek treatment from your dentist because there must be enough healthy material remaining to qualify for the procedure. Thus, at the first notice of pain, reach out to your dentist to schedule a consultation so you can be examined. With the expert care you’ll receive, you can enjoy a healthier and happier holiday season!

About the Author

Dr. Yelena Obholz is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry, where she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. She then went on to complete a residency at Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, where she received advanced training in several modalities. Dr. Obholz restores patients’ oral health with root canal therapy at Aesthetic and Family Dentistry, and she can be reached for more information through her website.

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